Critical Error

Are you seeing the critical error on your WordPress site?

What is Critical Error in WordPress?

The critical error in WordPress is an error that stops WordPress from loading all the scripts it needs to work properly.

While WordPress gives you message There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

  • Make sure the admin email address is correct, and the email function of your host works.
  • Check your Spam folder. Some emails, particularly this one, often get routed to your Spam folder.

Between WordPress 5.2 and WordPress 5.3, we used to get the error message, “The site is experiencing technical difficulties.” But with the latest release of WordPress 5.4, WordPress developers have changed the message you receive. The developer has replaced the error message with There has been a critical error on your website.

Causes the Critical Error in WordPress?

The critical error in WordPress is generally caused by a malfunctioning plugin, script, or code that prevents WordPress from functioning properly.

  • Install or delete a plugin?
  • Update your PHP version?
  • Activate or deactivate a plugin?
  • Upload, activate, or deactivate a new theme?
  • Make any changes to your web hosting?
  • Update anything through FTP?